Wednesday 20 May 2020

Chemistry Form 4

Form 4 CHEMISTRY Trinity Term

Week 3: Chemical Bonding – Read carefully then Answer ALL of the following questions:

1.     Excerpt from Chemistry for CSEC by Nelson Thornes: “When atoms bond with each other, usually only the outermost electron shells are involved in the process. Atoms combine with each other to attain a more stable electronic configuration. The noble gases are stable atoms because of their electronic configuration…in their electronic configuration, their outermost shell is full.” Explain why atoms bond with one another.  2 marks

2.     Compare ionic bonding to covalent bonding. 2 marks

3.     Calcium forms an ionic bond with fluorine to form a compound: 2 marks
a.      Give the name of the compound
b.     Give the formula of the compound

4.     Research the term “delocalized electron” then explain how it applies to metallic bonding. 2 marks

5.     Explain why metals are electrical conductors. 2 marks

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