Sunday 24 January 2021

Textiles, Clothing and Fashion Form 4


Grenville Secondary school

Textiles clothing and fashion Form 4

Week: 4 January (25-29)

Topic: Care and maintenance of Textile products


1.     Research and transcribe in your notebooks guidelines for sorting, pretreating, soaking, washing, drying and ironing clothing/other textile articles.


2.     You are a YouTube blogger and your subscribers requested a video on one of the processes mentioned above. Create a video explaining one of the processes above.


·       You will be graded for your creativity. (5marks)

·       Content (10 marks)

·       Ability to explain the process (5marks)

NB. Begin your video by stating your name and what you will be discussing. At the end of your video ask new comers to like share and subscribe. This assignment is graded.

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