Thursday 28 May 2020

Social Studies Form 2

Social Studies           Form 2                   WEEK: May 25 to May 29


1.     Define primary, secondary formal and informal groups.
2.     Secondary group are your family and friend. True or false?
3.     List groups that you belong to. Mark each group with “p” for primary or “s” for secondary. Are there more primary and secondary group?
4.     Why do you think informal groups are usually small to medium-sized? (think about what is needed for a larger group)
5.     Give an example of each: primary group, secondary group, formal group and informal group.
6.     What are the main differences between formal and informal groups?
7.     Which type of group shows the following characteristics?
a.      the meetings can be at fixed times.
b.     it has no clear structure.
c.      it can last for several years
d.     it has written rules.

Benefits of groups

1.     Define the terms: independence, responsibility, role and group cohesion.
2.     Think of group you belong to. List three benefits of being in that group.
3.     Write a letter inviting other students to join a basketball group. Outline the benefits of joining the group.
4.     Name three facts that contribute to group cohesion

Read the Scenario and answer the questions that follows.
What kind of group did you start? A charity club.
What was it called? The helpers.
Where was it based? At our school.
How many people are interested? Lots of students seemed interested, but only 12 came to the first meeting. Then it got smaller each time.
What were the problems? We couldn’t agree how to start. Some people wanted to work with children and other wanted to work with elderly people. There were sub-group that didn’t agree with the rest of the group. The leader of the group made decisions the rest of the group did not agree with.

5.     What factors cause the charity group to fail?
6.     What should they have done differently?
7.     What would you have done to make the charity successful?
8.     Think of a problem you have experienced in a group you belong to. Create a comic strip of the issue and how it was resolved.

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