Tuesday 19 May 2020

Social Studies Form 3

Week 1: March 16th -March 22nd 2020
Subject: Social Studies
Forms: 3G,3S,3S1,3S2
Topic: Social Problems
Teacher: Mrs. Jessel Williams Walcott

Please answer all of the following questions based on the topic ‘social problems’ which we have already covered.


For question 1 choose the letter that corresponds with the correct answer
1.What are social problems?
a)      Issues affecting families
b)      Children’s issues
c)      Undesirable social issues
d)      Issues affecting individuals
2a) Identify TWO contemporary issues which affect families in your community.
b) Name TWO agencies in your country which can help to deal with ONE of the issues you identified in 2a above.
c) Suggest THREE strategies the community could use to deal with ONE of the issues you identified in a) above.
d) Explain why EACH strategy would be successful.
3a) Identify TWO social issues that can directly affect the health of Caribbean families.
b) Identify TWO factors which contribute to each of the social issues you have identified in 3a above
c) State TWO ways in which these issues affect people’s health.
d) State TWO agencies which may become involved in assisting families with social issues.
e i) Suggest THREE ways in which governments could help to prevent these health problems.
ii) Explain why EACH of these measures is likely to be successful.

Source: Eastland, C. (2014). Social Studies Workbook for CSEC Examinations

Week 2:
Week 1: March 23rd - 29th 2020
Subject: Social Studies
Forms: 3G,3S,3S1,3S2
Topic: Teenage Pregnancy
Teacher: Mrs. Jessel Williams Walcott

NB: Although we have not yet done the topic please take time to read the following content as it relates to teenage pregnancy. An explanation for each key point is provided for you. There are additional links to videos and an infographic to provide you with further vital information as it relates to the topic.
Please complete the required activity after reading and accessing relevant resources.
Teenage Pregnancy:  This refers to a situation in which a young lady under the age of 20 becomes pregnant.
The factors responsible for teenage pregnancy
·         Peer pressure- young girls who are pressured by their female peers who are sexually active to engage in sexual activities may eventually become victims of teenage pregnancy. Added to this they may be forced by their male peers to engage in sexual intercourse and out of fear may have unprotected sex and become pregnant
·         sexual abuse- young girls who are victims of sexual abuse may eventually become pregnant for their male predators or may become promiscuous due to being sexually abused at an early age thus engaging in risky sexual behaviors which may eventually lead to teenage pregnancy
·         Lack of education - young girls who are not exposed to sex education are at risk of being teen mothers since they may lack education about reproductive sex health for example methods that can help prevent pregnancy.
·         Media influence: television shows such as Teen Moms and Pregnant at Sixteen fail to portray the seriousness of teenage pregnancy and as a result may influence teens to engage in unsafe sex practices without the fear of becoming pregnant.
·         Low socio-economic status: quite often students of low socio economic background experience poverty and are exposed to negative environments that reflect little value on education, use of drugs, negligence, lack of parental guidance, Therefore such children seldom have proper role models to guide their behavior and as a result they may engage in at risk sexual behaviors which may eventually contribute to teenage pregnancy.
·         Low self -esteem- young ladies who do not think highly about themselves may engage in at risk sexual behaviors in order to gain attention from the opposite sex.
Effects of teenage pregnancy on mother and child
Teenage pregnancy can result in abortion that is spontaneous or induced which in turn can lead to severe maternal complications such as septic abortion and in the long-term infertility.
Psychological problems: being a teen mother can be frustrating due to the challenges associated with being a mother, the father may neglect her,  as well as the stigma attached to teenage pregnancy which can result in stress which can result in severe depression which can result in negligence of the baby and in extreme cases suicide
Death: the teen mother may die due to complications which occur during pregnancy due to the fact that her body may not yet be developed to carry the burden of a child. The child may even die
School dropout: in most instance teenage mother may have to drop put of school to care for the baby, this in turn can negatively affect their future since they may not possess the necessary skills or academics due to dropping out of school. They may experience financial problems and   will have to rely on family members to care for their child
Effects of teenage pregnancy on the baby
Low birth weight: because of health risk associated with teenage pregnancy the child of a teenage mother may be born prematurely which may result in low both weight of the baby
Health problems: research has shown that children born to teenage mothers are more likely to experience health issues due to perinatal asphyxia, jaundice and respiratory distress syndrome
Poverty: children born to teen mothers are likely to live in poverty because the teen mother may lack financial resources
Effects of teenage pregnancy on the family
Emotional effects: parents of the teen may experience guilt as well as anger which can permanently damage the relationship between them and the teenage mother. Added to this, society may judge the parents as having poor parenting skills which can cause the parents to doubt their parenting abilities
Ripple effect/cycle of teenage pregnancy: The younger siblings may later become victims of teenage pregnancy in instances where the parents may take up the sole responsibility of caring for the baby of their teenage daughter or son. This may signal to the siblings its ok to become pregnant since mommy or daddy will care for my child
Financial burden: since most teenagers are financially incapable of caring for their child grandparents and other family members may have to take on the burden of financially assisting the teenage mother or father. This can result in future goals of other family members being halted
Solutions to reduce teenage pregnancy
Education programs: sex education programs via schools, communities and the media should be emphasized on early to assist boys and girls to make informed decision such as abstinence and the use of family which in turn would reduce teenage pregnancy
Make contraceptives readily available:   adolescents who are at risk of unintended pregnancy should have contraceptives available to them
Have self-esteem programs: have programs that will help young ladies to develop high self-esteem in order to prevent them from engaging in at risk sexual behaviors
Have mentorship programs for both males and females: teenage pregnancy involves both males and females, therefore positive role models can mentor these young people to encourage them to make informed decisions where their sexuality is concerned

Additional Resources

Please copy and paste the following links to an internet browser to access the relevant content

 Digital multimedia: Informational video (Youtube)
[Rehealthify] (2014, July 22). Teenage Pregnancy-What You Need To Know. [Video file] Retrieved from
[Jordan Santos] (2016, December 19). Teenage Pregnancy [Video File]. Retrieved from
       Study Solutionz (2014, July 04th ). Social Issues pt4 csec lecture series (Teenage Pregnancy)   
                   [Video File].. Retrieved from
Stall Timmins, W. (2014, October 15). The impacts of teenage pregnancy
               Retrieved 2020, March 16th   from

Shonta recently became a victim of teenage pregnancy at the age of fourteen. Her parents made the decision to abort the baby however Shonta wants to have the baby.
1.      Define the term ‘teenage pregnancy’.
2.      Explain THREE factors that may have contributed to Shonta being a victim of teenage pregnancy
3.      Discuss THREE consequences Shonta may face as a result of being pregnant if she decides to have the baby.
4.      Suggest THREE ways teenage pregnancy can be reduced in your country. Justify EACH of your responses.

Happy Working! BE SAFE!

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