Wednesday 20 May 2020

General Form 1 Content

To our students: here is the list of previously posted content for various subject areas of the form 1 level. Please complete if you haven't already done so.

Topic: Stages of Human Development
Read the notes from your textbook and answer the questions that follow in the activity column.
Resource: Caribbean Social Studies Book 1 Page 36-47

Select a historic sight in one of the six parishes in Grenada and write a short essay on it. Your essay should include:
Introduction –Name, location and origin of sight chosen
Developmental- description of the sight and historical importance/background
Conclusion- summary of main points


Topic: Data Storage and Representation
1.      Describe/ Define the of the following storage devices
a.       Tape storage
b.      Diskettes
c.       Hard disk
d.      Flash drive
2.      State two advantages and two disadvantages for each storage device listed above.

Data transmission
3. Define the following terms
a. Narrow band
b.Voice band
c. Broad band
4. What is a network?
5. Give two examples of local area network.


Topic: Poultry Production
1.      List the types of birds that are considered as poultry.
2.      Draw and label the external parts of a chicken.
3.      Define the term hybrid.
4.      Classify chickens for the purpose for which they are reared.
5.      Give two (2) examples of broiler breed of chickens.
6.      Give two (2) examples of layer breed of chickens.

Read the sub topic preparation of breakfast items under Unit 9: Preparing and Serving Breakfast.
 Using the information provided and notes given in class on Friday 13th March 2020 prepare a breakfast menu that can be served to you and family for Sunday’s breakfast.


1. Write a passage about self.
                                    2. Make a house and label it in French using rooms of the house 

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